Mitchel Bailey
Joined on 10/22/97
Rachelle Baker
Everything the other members said
Joined on 8/14/97
Stephanie Baker, Web Goddess of the
UnOfficial Raistlin Fan Club
The UnOfficial Raistlin Fan Club
The Female Roleplayer's Club
Shrine to Kintanon
On the Other Side of the Wishingwell
Raistlin is cool and powerful. It's my club (and I'm a high priestess of Raistlin) so I
have to join @8:)
Joined on 12/08/96
John Balke
Raistlin's ambition and power was without equal. It's a tragedy that his ambition lead to
his downfall. It's good to know that Raistlin lives on in the imaginations of Dragonlance
fans everywhere. Sites such as this ensure it!
Joined on 9/23/97
Sud Banerjee
Sud's World
I like Raistlin~
Joined on 1/2/97
Sandy Barnabas
Raistlin is Godlike in form and structure.
Joined on 11/7/97
Chris Barth
Raistlin is my all time favorite character in the Dragonlance series of books.
Joined on 11/6/97
Tim Bauer
I like Dragonlance books and I always wanted to join a Dragonlance club.
Joined on 8/4/97
Brad Beers
Raistlin is my favorite character in the Dragonlance series. If I was Raistlin the world
would have been under the thrall of Takhisis and I would have then drawn her to the mortal
realm and killed her.
Ahahahahahahaha :-)
Joined on 9/14/97
Eric Bernier
I played him once in a Dragon Lance saga and loved it.
Joined on 11/28/97
Diablo BlackStone Knight of
Takhisis/Mage/Cleric of Takhisis
Thelgard Keep in Neraka
Raist taught me many spells, and we were good friends.
Joined on 3/13/97
I love Him. He is my life. I wear an hourglass pendant of amber and black steel over my
heart, it is my Heartstone. He is God! He is everything I have ever desired. He is the
only being in my life. He is my teacher, friend, soulmate, inspiration, and lover.
Raistlin Majere is All.
Joined on 10/12/97
Ray Borley
Raistlin RULES!
Joined on 9/30/97
Corky Boucher
Because Raistlin had a big part in Krynn's history
Joined on 8/9/97
Um, i think Raistlin rocks and he has that cool staff!!
Joined on 9/12/97
Raistlin is my favorite Dragonlance character.
Joined on 11/3/97
Jenny Briggs
Raistlin is such a deep and fascinating character, though I find it easy to relate to him.
Joined on 9/3/97
Daniel Britton
Joined on 9/18/97
Deanna Brown
Because Raistlin has always been my favorite character. He is my idol.
Joined on 9/12/97
Jason Burneskis
I really like Raistlin, sad when read Test of the Twins I am obsessed with DragonLance and
magic kinda stuff
Joined on 3/22/97
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