The Raistlin Shrine Member List H

Cory Hackstedt
Raistlin is my life!!
Joined on 11/22/97

Anja Hansen
Because Raistlin lives!!
Joined on 10/23/97

Joel Haynes
Raist is my favorite wizard
Joined on 10/26/97

I've read everything I could about Raistlin ever since I read the Chronicles Trilogy.
Joined on 9/29/97

Risto Heilkkinen
RaistliNS ToweR
Joined on 10/18/97

Todd Hendrickson
Raistlin is the truth.
Joined on 12/18/96

Richard Hernanez
Primus's Mage's RPG Central
Raistlin is my FAVORITE character in Dragonlance
Joined on 9/16/97

Belvis Hill
I'm a big Dragonlance fan!
Joined on 10/3/97

Dave Hodge
I am Raistlin.
Joined on 10/15/97

Brandon Hurst
Disfuctional Jesus's Domain
Raistlin is the awesomest character in ANY book that I have ever read. Also, as a side note, I look surpisingly similar to him and act in many the same ways.
Joined on 11/26/97

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