The Raisitlinite Times

Issue 1: Volume 1: June 22, 1997

The UnOfficial Raistlin Fan Has Moved A Lot

by Stephanie Baker, the great president of the UnOfficial Raistlin Fan Club

The UnOfficial Raistlin Fan Club has moved a lot in the last few monthes as many of you know. It moved from it's small but nice home at Angelfire ( after being offered much more space from the person who occupies the Dragonlance domain ( Unfortuently, there was some arguments based from my outgoing chat personality and my tendency to start trouble and then whine. After it was taken off there the club didn't exsist for awhile. Then I placed it on my ISP, charm net ( but something about that seemed wrong. One of my friends (the wonderful one who owns this domain) offered to give me space so I said "ok" and now we're here. I plan on eventually getting my own domain. It'll be cool. The club is worth it @8:)

Please someone else donate any types of articles or else you'll have to deal with more of my yucky articles that I write in 5 minutes without editing. Please send them to We also need poems and short stories with Raistlin in them.

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